BitterSweet  Cages

I have been working on outcomes that embody emancipation through design, with a focus on young people and their relationship with modern technology. One of the main themes that I have explored in my designs is the idea of "bittersweet cages" in modern times.

My designs feature illustrations of young people with their heads encased in a beautiful cage, symbolizing the entrapment that can come with our reliance on modern technology. The cages are intricate and eye-catching, but at the same time, they serve as a reminder that technology can sometimes limit our freedom and hinder our ability to truly connect with the world around us.

Through these designs, I aim to encourage young people to reflect on their relationship with technology and to consider ways in which they can use it to enhance their lives, rather than being controlled by it. I believe that emancipation through design can be a powerful tool for promoting social change and raising awareness about important issues such as the impact of technology on our lives.

What do you think of these?
Let me know!

BitterSweet Cages

BitterSweet Cages


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